Alchemy of Game
Acting-psychological trilogy from Lou and Kos — founders of "Heart mission" project, creators of films, performances, transformational trainings and retreats.
Alchemy of Game
Acting- psychological trilogy from Lou and Kos - founders of "Heart mission" project, creators of films, performances, transformational trainings and retreats.
Alchemy of Game
This block will include a lot of movement, embodiment, contact improvisation and pantomime.
In the first days you will embrace more freedom of self expression and less fear.

These 4 days incorporate unique training techniques by famous producers and psychologists, as well as author's techniques by Lou and Kos.
History and theory: from shamans to tik tok
Chekhov, Stanislavskiy, Antonin, Arto, Eju Gratovskiy, Demidov, Peter Brook
1 module
After each theoretical block you will be exploring practical exercises:
  • working with attention
  • developing imagination
  • shamanic transformation
  • working with intuition
  • emotional management
  • articulation devopment, stage speech
You will be able to:
  • create your own etudes
  • discover your instincts, body language, operating various emotion types
  • overcome the fear of public speaches
  • remove embarrassment and uneasiness
Training consists of three modules, four days each.
2 module
This block is dedicated to a deep research of your own character and life scenario , of social roles and psychological masks through worldwide traditions of psychological theater.
Via game in a space of trust:
  • you will get to know more about your own mission, life purpose, values.
  • will see who you are, what roles and scripts are programmed in you and learn how to change them immediately. Everything is up to you!
  • considerably shift the perception of your own abilities
  • learn how to construct a new character
  • you will discover and reveal a huge psycho-emotional resource to empower you!
Here you'll encounter a lot of game, challenges and drive!
You will softly encounter the space of shadow via acting techniques, enriching your resource from there, working with deep-routed fears and beliefs to become more pure and free. Tapping into psychology of game, understanding theatre as a therapy, deep-laid archetypes, playback theatre, ancient theatre of mysteries and shamanic practices allows to integrate the Game into the core layers of our lives.
3 module
You are fulfilled with potential and willing to share it with the world — time to express yourself.
What is needed for that:
  • Embrace your uniqueness
  • Train your charisma
  • Enter the State of Master
  • Create a new emotional background
  • reveal the keys to designing reality
  • choose a costume, put the make up and enter the stage: music, lights, hundreds of eyes!
All of these we will explore during the third block.
Acting techniques will assist you in facilitating practices and conducting knowledge to vast public.